Mounted work

Forward: Riding with Eloise King: A Horse Training Book for Beginner Through Advanced

Forward: Riding with Eloise King: A Horse Training Book for Beginner Through Advanced

$14.95 paperback/$6.99 kindle

Training horses is easy.
Do you want a horse that is very athletic; able to jump, run barrels, dressage, Western Pleasure, reining, etc. without stressing or breaking him down?
Do you want a horse that responds to your aids as if he were reading your mind? Then you need to learn how to do three basic steps? These steps work for beginners through advanced riders for training or retraining the horse. This is the book that will teach you simply and clearly, how to ride and train in a way that works with how your horse moves and thinks.
It will help you create an exceptional horse.

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Self-Carriage: A Book to Make Horse Training and Riding Easy

Self-Carriage: A Book to Make Horse Training and Riding Easy


So you are training your horse. Do you know what the results of that training are supposed to look like? In other words, is your horse moving and building muscle in the right places to give you the ride that you want? Use the pictures and explanations in this book to turn your horse into a super athlete for dressage, jumping, barrel racing, Western Pleasure, cutting, and many more equine disciplines.

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Direction of Travel & Treasaro’s Story

Direction of Travel & Treasaro’s Story


The rider's position can make all the difference in the world on how your horse performs. Direction of Travel shows you, clearly and easily with pictures, how to improve your horse's performance and speed up your training.

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